Always Fresh. Always Ready.

Freshwater Farms processes only U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish that are monitored and tested from the pond to the plate. Our products come in a wide selection of cuts, including fillets, strips, nuggets, and dressed. We also produce breaded and marinated products. IQF product can be packaged in 15 lb., 10 lb., and 4 lb. boxes, as well as a 2 lb. bag. Ice Pack product can be packaged in 30 lb., 15 lb., and 10 lb. boxes.
Fillets, Strips & Nuggets
Fillets are the boned sides of the fish, cut lengthwise away from the backbone.
Strips are smaller pieces of fish cut from fillets.
Nuggets are boneless pieces cut from the belly section of the fillet.

Dressed Fish & Steaks
Dressed Fish are the whole fish and fins, without the head.
Steaks are cross-section cuts from larger, dressed fish.